Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Acegi Security + Icefaces

today my blogging activity is fucking intense :)
this is my first post about Java....uuu..so excited:):)
well, just a little how-to about how to configure your JEE development environment
to work with Acegi and Icefaces (and JSF).

Do you know Acegi Security? it's a really powerful security framework for those JEE applications
that needs a best fine-grained access control/session management: JAAS sometimes really sucks...

just google it :)

if you are not working with Spring and IceFaces, the first problem is to configure the libraries you need to deploy all your stuff...so now I will take a closer look about these damned libraries...
I suppose (and recommend you) that you're using Glassfish...

libraries to add in the application server dir (/path/to/AppServer/lib):
- ehcache [ http://www.springframework.org/download]
- apache ORO [ http://www.springframework.org/download]
- IceFaces libs: practically all the jars contained inside the "lib" directory of the BIN downloadable version of IceFaces libs (here is contained also the important acegi-security-1.0.1.jar)

libraries to add in your IDE:
- acegi-security-1.0.1.jar;
- all the icefaces libs

after some hours of headache and blasphemies, I've figured out why I was getting a strange SessionExpired Exception using a simple application created few minutes before...

you MUST add the following listener in your deployment descriptor (web.xml):

eventually, if it's not already present, the following too:

That's all....enjoy Icefaces with Acegi :):)

Dual monitor

I'm proud to announce that from now I will work with dual monitor :)
Finally I was able to configure with my loved Gentoo and my fucking ATI 9600, thanks to Xinerama,
another useful monitor...

I've used closed source drivers...
It seems it's working well...

just an aticonfig --initial=dual-head --dtop=horizontal --screen-layout=right -v
and all was working :):) good good

just remember to add

Section "ServerFlags"
Option "Xinerama" "true"

to your xorg.conf


oooook....SO finally I've decided to open my blog...
First time That I can find time to do that ;)
as you can read in the blog header, I will speak about these themes,
so if you're not interested please go away :)

well well...stop with more futile words...let's start to blog interesting things ..

see ya guys