this is my first post about excited:):)
well, just a little how-to about how to configure your JEE development environment
to work with Acegi and Icefaces (and JSF).
Do you know Acegi Security? it's a really powerful security framework for those JEE applications
that needs a best fine-grained access control/session management: JAAS sometimes really sucks...
just google it :)
if you are not working with Spring and IceFaces, the first problem is to configure the libraries you need to deploy all your now I will take a closer look about these damned libraries...
I suppose (and recommend you) that you're using Glassfish...
libraries to add in the application server dir (/path/to/AppServer/lib):
- ehcache [
- apache ORO [
- IceFaces libs: practically all the jars contained inside the "lib" directory of the BIN downloadable version of IceFaces libs (here is contained also the important acegi-security-1.0.1.jar)
libraries to add in your IDE:
- acegi-security-1.0.1.jar;
- all the icefaces libs
after some hours of headache and blasphemies, I've figured out why I was getting a strange SessionExpired Exception using a simple application created few minutes before...
you MUST add the following listener in your deployment descriptor (web.xml):